This course is for employees working with in the care home environment, managers, carers
and cleaners. This course is approved by the Care council for Wales and is part of the Social
Care Induction framework
Course Objectives /Aims & Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes:
Delegates will carry out safe practises within the Care Home environment.
Delegates will use safe practises when moving between service users to prevent spread of infection.
Aims & Objectives:
Delegates will be able to;
- Quote their infection control policy
- Demonstrate safe practise within the care home to help stop spread of infection
- Show an understanding of the importance of good personal hygiene
- Understand the need for effective hand washing
- Can explain why personal protective equipment is essential
- Will know what diseases are reportable under RIDDOR and how to report
- Have an understanding on the importance of good food hygiene practises
- Will be able to state common infections spread within the care home environment and how
to deal with them
Course Outline:
The qualification covers the following topics:
- Infection Control policy
- Legislation and regulations
- Handling & Storing of specimens
- Effective hygiene and PPE
- Storage, preparation and serving of food
- Instruments and equipment
- Laundries
- Clinical waste
- Diseases, Infections and parasites
Mode of Delivery
- Group work
- Dvd
- Quiz
Benefits Perceived by Participants
- IC01
- IC02
- IC03
Skills for Care common induction standard 3.5
Intended for
Everyone working within the Care home environment
Pre-course Requirements
Course Duration
For further enquiries please
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